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act constitutiv firmă SRL

Template articles of association for LLC


These articles of association contain provisions regarding the internal organization, management structure and operating rules for a limited liability company with at least two shareholders.


They contain key provisions relating to:


  • Name and main activities: the bylaws specify the official name of the company and its activities.
  • Share capital: details about the authorized share capital of the company and its structure, sale restrictions, reduction and increase.
  • Rights and obligations of shareholders: The rights, obligations and responsibilities of shareholders are defined, including voting rights, rights to profits and meetings attendance.
  • Directors: provide for the roles, powers and responsibilities of directors, including their appointment, resignation and revocation procedures.
  • GSM (general shareholders' meeting): The procedures for convening and holding shareholder meetings are described, including the quorum required for decision-making and voting procedures.
  • pofit allocation: provide guidelines for distribution of profits, issuance of dividends and management of financial matters.
  • Chages: provide rules for amending the bylaws.
  • Dissolution: include rules on company liquidation/dissolution procedures.
  • Confidentiality and non-disclosure: contain confidentiality clauses to protect information and trade secrets.


Use it for:


  • Establishment of a limited liability company (SRL).
  • Co-opting a new shareholder.
  • Name and main activities: the bylaws specify the official name of the company and its activities.


    Share capital: details about the authorized share capital of the company and its structure, sale restrictions, reduction and increase.


    Rights and obligations of shareholders: The rights, obligations and responsibilities of shareholders are defined, including voting rights, rights to profits and meetings attendance.


    Directors: provide for the roles, powers and responsibilities of directors, including their appointment, resignation and revocation procedures.


    GSM (general shareholders' meeting): The procedures for convening and holding shareholder meetings are described, including the quorum required for decision-making and voting procedures.


    Profit allocation: provide guidelines for distribution of profits, issuance of dividends and management of financial matters.


    Changes: provide rules for amending the bylaws.


    Dissolution: include rules on company liquidation/dissolution procedures.


    Confidentiality and non-disclosure: contain confidentiality clauses to protect information and trade secrets.

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