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model act constitutiv SRL

Template articles of association SRL (bilingual)


Do you collaborate with a foreign business partner? With this bilingual version of the LLC articles of association template, you can promptly initiate the registration of your business. This template aids in establishing the company's structure, operational guidelines, profit distribution, management and representation by administrators and associates, as well as outlining liquidation procedures.

  • A bilingual template articles of association for LLC (SRL) comprises identical provisions to those found in a single-language version drafted exclusively in Romanian, but it is prepared in both Romanian and English languages. 

    This bilingual format proves invaluable particularly when establishing a business in collaboration with a foreign partner, be it an individual or a legal entity, or when interacting with international business counterparts or regulatory authorities.

    This bilingual template articles of association contain:

    Information on company and registered office: incorporating the officially designated name of the company, aligned with the reserved nomenclature, alongside the principal address of the registered office, as well as any ancillary branch offices if pertinent.

    Description of the company activity: provides the specific activities to be undertaken by the limited liability company (LLC), in strict accordance with the classification of CAEN codes.

    Rules regarding the share capital: details the value and distribution of the share capital of the LLC, including provisions regarding participation in profit and loss distribution, and outlining procedures for share capital transfer.

    Shareholders relationships: provide comprehensive rules concerning the shareholders, alongside protocols governing the exercise of voting rights and decision-making processes. Notably, the template embodies provisions safeguarding preemptive rights of the shareholders concerning share transfers, alongside regulations pertaining to share transfers to third-party entities.

    Management structures: meticulously delineated within the relevant sections of the bilingual articles of association template, several provisions clarify the roles and responsibilities of the LLC’s management, which include the general meeting of shareholders or the board of directors.

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